The strongest force in the human personality is the need to stay consistent with how one defines oneself.
The way the brain works makes it easy to identify yourself as weak, or broken, that something wrong with yourself, or that it’s just “not worth it”, or “not that important”. We also often have YEARS of “proof” to back up these beliefs, which makes them very strong – and deeply embeds them into our subconscious mind.
Write those negative thoughts down. Seeing your brain in “the third person” helps separate yourself from its’ lies. These lies also rarely change in “word form”- but they often FEEL different, so you need to “mentally outsmart your heart” which can be accomplished through writing.
Then, lean INTO those negative emotions- do not RUN from them.
“That which you run from, chases”.
Huge amounts of energy can be harnessed. The only bad thing is zero emotion (numb) – positive or negative emotions can BOTH be used positively.
Then decide who you truly want to be – and be that identity- NOW.
Get yourself in the emotional state of what it would feel like to live authentically with your SOUL. From here, you can set your beliefs, values, and goals.
Revisit your identity every day because the external world constantly will want to push you back into your weaker self.
Have a list of ways to get yourself back into your true state, being, and identity.